Trump’s “Bundle-Up America” Rally.

A campaign rally for U.S. President Donald Trump in Omaha, Nebraska, drew thousands of attendees, and hundreds were stranded in freezing temperatures after the event waiting for transport back to their parked cars miles away, according to Omaha police and news reports.

“Is there any place you would rather be than a Trump rally on about a 10-degree evening?” the president asked from the podium.”

Yep, in my warm bed.  I swear, Aliens put stupid in our water. Why else would thousands of Americans stand in less than 32-degree weather with no gloves, no mask, and wearing a baseball cap on their heads at a rally bunched together to listen to a nut? Even worse, they parked 3 1/2 miles away!

Emperor Penguins have enough sense to move in a continuous circle to share the warmth. All this with a damn egg on their feet to keep it alive.
If you believe in God, he/she or it must be shaking their head side-to-side, saying, looking at us saying, “What a waste of good material.”

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